DAU.edu's Acquisition Tools & Resources page provides access to job aides, guidebooks, templates and more for on-the-job support.
The sole Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) has been retired and replaced by a modern set of guidebooks aligned with DoD's new acquisition policies and functional tiers.
DAU communities of practice (CoP) empower the acquisition workforce (AWF) by turning students into practitioners and practitioners into experts by connecting people and knowledge. CoPs advance this connection by providing fast, frictionless access to information, resources, strategies, innovation, and support.
ACQuipedia serves as an online encyclopedia of common defense acquisition topics. Each topic is identified as an article, containing a definition, a brief narrative that provides context, as well as links to the most pertinent policy, guidance, tools, practices, and training which further augment understanding and expand depth.
The Glossary reflects most acronyms, abbreviations, and terms commonly used in the systems acquisition process within the Department of Defense (DoD) and defense industries. It focuses on terms with generic DoD application but also includes some Service-unique terms .
Twelve key DoD product support guidance documents and guidebooks hosted by DAU on behalf of their respective DoD stakeholders.
This tool curates systems engineering-related DAU training, learning tools, and performance learning assets with links back to pertinent source documents and sites.
The AAF DoD Quick Reference Card provides a quick reference to DoD, Service and Agency Policies relative to the various Adaptive Acquisition Framework Pathways. It also lists DoD web sites where more detailed AAF information may be found.
The EVM Gold Card defines common EVM terminology, lists EVM metric equations, lables the most common EVM graph, while summarizing DoD EVM policy.
The ARC is a useful tool to anyone who references the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and its supplements, especially new acquisition personnel, teaching how to navigate these resources and compare them side-by-side.
The CPRG is a five volume set covering topics such as price analysis, quantitative techniques, cost analysis, advanced issues in contract pricing, and negotiations.
This tool provides guidance on the use of all provisions and clauses contained in the FAR, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), and various agency supplements. It also includes guidance on the use of provisions and clauses contained in DoD class deviations.
The DAU Contracting Subway Map is an interactive, color coded guide to the acquisition contracting process, assisting in locating pertinent regulatory and agency direction/guidance and access to applicable templates, guides and forms.
The SAM is intended to help you get your job done by providing usable tools and templates to create your performance-based service acquisition requirements.
An official website of the Department of Defense